My offer

Genealogical research

I recreate the life of client's ancestors based on documents, photographs, press mentions, obituaries and other sources obtained in the course of research.
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DNA tests

I advise on the selection of popular DNA tests for genealogical purposes (autosomal DNA, mitochondrial DNA and Y-DNA tests).
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Creative output

I prepare a study of client's creative output based on books, magazines, archives, manuscripts, correspondence and other sources.
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During the conversation over the Internet, I will advise on the places to look for ancestors and collect information about them.
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Dr Anna Smywińska-Pohl

My name is Anna Smywińska-Pohl. I have a broad humanistic education. In 2019, I defended my doctoral thesis at the Institute of Philosophy of the Jagiellonian University, completed parallel doctoral studies dealing primarily with the methodology of science – Socitety-Environment Technology and the Jagiellonian Interdisciplinary PHD Programme, I studied intellectual property management. I was also a participant of the Erasmus programme under the Democracy and Religion program and a scientific seminar of the Polin Museum of Polish Jews.


My achievements

  • Extensive archival research conducted in Poland and abroad, including Ukraine, Lithuania, Austria and Israel
  • Publication of the book Córki Nawojki. Filozofki na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim Kraków 2017 (together with Ewa Chudoba)
  • Publication of the anthology Filozofki na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim 1897-1967. Antologia, Kraków 2016 (together with Ewa Chudoba)
  • Writing the book Odkrywanie niedostępnego. Utwory osierocone w dorobku studentów pochodzenia żydowskiego z Wydziału Filozoficznego Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego (together with Anna Jarmuszkiewicz)

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